Saturday, 14 March 2015

Beneath The Stars

A little smile lingers still as I lie here thinking about him.


One moments meeting can sometimes leave a lifetime of feelings.


As I travel to my special place, when others company is not my soul’s desire, I see him and there beneath the shiny stars, I see us lying down side by side yet wrapped up in each others’ magic.


I am all he wants and I am all he needs. Even if he was offered the whole world and the entire universe, I would still be the one he would choose, me and only me.


I stare at the stars; I look closely. Somehow they remind me of the love that lies beside me; sparkling, beautiful, enchanting. This place, I could stay forever.




And this happens rather suddenly; the stars twinkle no more and disappear completely from the night. What I see above me is a stained white ceiling and once again I become aware of what I had forgotten for a little while; that if you have ever taken my place, to lie beneath the shiny stars, it is not me who lies here beside you but another.


My soul aches, my heart bleeds; why could it not have been me meant to love you?


And then a voice; gentle, sweet and haunting whispers to me just before I fall asleep, ‘Perhaps in another life and in another time.’